Welcome to Basildon Side by Side
We at Basildon Side by Side is envisaged as a radical social movement that seeks to improve the quality of the lives of those living, working and visiting Basildon Borough
About Basildon Side By Side
Basildon Side by Side is envisaged as a radical social movement that seeks to improve the quality of the lives of those living, working and visiting Basildon Borough. Its foundation principle is to see our diverse communities creating and owning solutions to local challenges, generating local confidence and capacity, which in turn, enables people to tackle the problems that they face. It seeks to ensure that communities own the right to say what is “good”; to determine the priorities; and to have a formative voice in what is happening. These will be the shared fundamentals of local social enterprise and investment and the basis of forging a better future for the Borough.

Upcoming Events

Past Events

Past Events


Mission Statement

Thematic Groups Notices
The thematic working groups are the engine room of Basildon Side By Side (BSBS). These thematic groups are tasked with developing and delivering projects aimed at improving the lives of BAME groups in Basildon and to ensure that BAME groups continue to integrate and make meaningful contribution to all aspect of the society in Basildon and beyond.
The thematic groups are involved in Educational Development , Heath and Wellbeing , Policing and Hate crime, Community Cohesion , Economic Developments and improvement of lives of Young People in the community.
Below are updates to recent activities being undertaken by the different thematic groups. Click on the tab of your choice to learn more.

Empowering families through skills acquisition seminars, encouraging school Governors and to sensitize BAME communities to take up leadership positions in the Borough starting October 2023
Meeting with Police and Fire service on ways to attract more BAME officers into the services.
Planned Black History Month on 15th of October 2022, Indian Divali on 22nd October 2022, Ndiigbo Festival on 26th of November 2022, Anniversary of BSBS launch on 25th of January 2023, St Georges Day in APril 2023, Basildon Communties Festival in une 2023
To bring young people from diverse BAME groups together in a workshop to share information about culture, cultrual practices like cooking, sewing bead-making and dance – starting November 2022.
Key Objectives
- Create an enabling and supportive environment for everyone to grow and thrive based on the guiding principle of co-production, with the Council as an ‘enabler.’
- Create an Inclusive Basildon Borough for everyone
- Look beyond division to achieve unity and cohesion.
- Create an environment that enables communities to positively assert themselves in promoting their own development and that of Basildon Borough.

Latest News

BSBS Key Achievements – 2021
Jan – 2021 – Launch of BSBS Feb – Registration of BSBS with Companies House Feb – Talk to encourage BAME to take COVID Vacination

Support Staff Vacancy- Police
The support staff application is permanently open if anyone is interested in the officer role. The Police is always encouraging members of the BAME group

Key Objectives
The key objectives are to: Create an enabling and supportive environment for everyone to grow and thrive based on the guiding principle of co-production, with
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Contact Us
- info@basildonsidebyside.org
- +44(0)7548487423
- +44(0)7548487423
- Inclusion and Diversity . Basildon Council . Essex .
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